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The secret to getting really, really good…
I’ve been training in the martial arts for over 40 years. In that time, I’ve noticed that some people get really, really good at this. Others… not so much. I’ve had ample to time to watch literally thousands of people partake in the training journey, and there actually is a secret to getting good- not just good… really, really good. What’s the secret? Show up! Don’t just show up for a week, or a month, or a year. Keep. Showing. Up.
In the martial arts, we often have ranking systems to delineate how far along you are. Or rather, how good you really are. When you are a beginner and not very skilled- you typically start at the level of white belt. (We actually start you at “no belt” in our Kung-Fu system, and then you have to earn your white belt.) By the time you reach black belt, you are considered to have amassed a significant amount of knowledge and skill.
So, how do you go from being a beginner (white belt) to a skilled black belt? This is answered very simply in an expression that has been handed down throughout the years by instructors.
A black belt is nothing more than a white belt who didn’t quit.
That’s right. Almost anybody can be a black belt, but not just anybody can be a black belt. Martial arts training is filled with fun dichotomies. It’s one of the things that attracts me to the training. Another one is that the most peaceful people you will often meet are the most skilled martial artists. They have a high level of training, knowledge, and skill. They can kick butt and chew bubble gum. And, you will probably never know that. They are the first to lose an argument- even when they are right. They choose peace over pride. (We’ll delve into that more in a future column.)
Back to the topic at hand. If you want to get really, really good, you have to show up. You have to make a decision to show up when you don’t want to. Don’t look to others for motivation related to this. Just do it! (That’s an expression that has been successfully used for marketing because it’s incredibly true.) Don’t wait for others. Don’t wait to “get motivated.” Don’t wait for the right time. The time is now. It’s not tomorrow. Start today, and keep going.
If you do that, no matter what field of study you choose, you will get really, really good. If you are talented, you may get good faster than others. But, even if you are not talented, if you are willing to put in the time, and you have the will-power to just keep going, you will get really, really good!
Very few people have this will power. Very few people can keep going without motivation and without others putting the wind in their sails. Very few have what it takes to be successful. What about you? Do you have what it takes? Maybe you didn’t yesterday, but- today is not yesterday. Another expression I like is, “Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That’s why we call it the present.”
What are you doing with your present?