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Tag: health
It Only Works If You Do.
How are those New Year’s goals “working out?” If you’d like some help, and your goals involve becoming healthier, happier, and safer, then you may want to take advantage of this.During the month of January, if you enroll in any of our martial arts programs, Jeff- from Excel Fitness, has offered to give you a FREE…
Train for Free until February!
What’s the catch? 1.) You have to be a new or returning student. 2.) You have to register for your first free session online at this week. (The session can take place at any point prior to February, but you have to register for it before the end of January.)
Are you ready to take back the control of your life?
It’s been a brutal two years, and many people have come to us in that time expressing that they feel like they have lost control of their lives. If you feel this way, I have a question for you. Are you ready to take back the control of your life?
Tried the Gym? …Try Something That Works!
Why Doesn’t the gym… work? For many people, the “gym” doesn’t work at all. They want to get healthier, and the want to become more fit, but try as they may, they just cannot get themselves motivates to go to the gym to do it.
Online Self Defense Training- Worth It?
Online Self Defense Training During these crazy times, it’s easy to feel out-of-control. It’s also easy to wonder about whether or not you are “safe.” If something happened, and you needed to do so… how confident are you that you could defend yourself?
Everyday Self-Defense Tips
Self Defense Tips As you may imagine, I get a lot of questions from folks about how they can be safer “right now.” Especially these days, people are more-and-more aware of the fact THEY are responsible for THEIR safety… nobody else.
Back to [Martial Arts] School !
Why Train? As we are now in the “back to school” season, it’s a natural time of year for people to get “back” to doing physical activity. Why do you want to train or exercise? Grab onto the first answer that came into your mind.
What is the value of your health?
What is the value of your health? It has been said that one of the most valuable things we possess is our health. Let’s face it, today more than ever, health is a topic of concern. We take precautions to avoid exposure to others and to mitigate our risk of contracting disease.
Are You Willing To Do What It Takes?
The holidays are OVER! Your body is puffy and bloated. Your joints are achy. Your clothes feel tight. Let’s quickly get you back on track to being healthy. 1) It’s Over. Draw a line in the sand. The bad eating stops now… not tomorrow.
If You Had To, Could You Defend Yourself?
This is a question that everybody should be able to answer with a resounding, “Yes!” As times are changing, it’s becoming increasingly apparent that there is one person responsible for your safety. That person… is you. As a professional martial arts instructor, and a former police officer, I often talk with people about safety.